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3 Ways to Cover Any Tattoo

Opps!  That casting you would be a really good fit for doesn’t allow any body ink and you have a very visible tattoo.  What to do?  Try covering it up, of course!  It’s very possible no one will ever notice if you select the right products and apply them just so.  However, proper preparation is key, and it may take more than one trail run to pull it off.


Audition Risks: A Go or a No?  Here’s 3 Risk Worth Trying.

To take a risk or not take a risk – that is the question.  When you’re at an audition, there’s a fine line between being memorable and standing out for all the wrong reasons.  So, what’s considered acceptable and what’s not when it comes to risks, and how do you know the difference between the two? 


7 Tips to Emailing a Casting Director

There are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to emailing a casting director. You’ll want to be short and sweet, to the point, but also have enough information in your correspondence to ensure your submission is easy to review. Here’s a few tips for how to email a casting director.


5 Tips for Finding Netflix Casting Calls

Looking for the best places to find Netflix casting calls? You’re in luck. The pandemic may have you stuck at home, but you can easily find casting calls from the comfort of your living room. Just remember, even if you’re just getting started, Netflix likes to audition acting talent with representation. So, make sure you get all of the necessary pieces of your marketing puzzle into place before you start your search.


5 Essential Acting Tips Every Newbie Should Know

You’ve landed your first audition – congratulations! Now it’s time to give ‘em all you’ve got. From the way you look, to the way you present, every detail counts and you have only a few minutes to make a lasting first impression. So, how can you be sure you ‘wow’ spectators with your performance? Here’s a few tips.


4 Netflix Audition Tips

Netflix hosts a variety of movies and TV shows that are sure to be looking for new talent, especially when pilot season hits or a new project is getting started. What’s more, this household staple is well-known for being open to casting newbies in the entertainment world, which means you go from streaming your favorites from your living room to letting them jumpstart your career. Here’s how to audition for Netflix.


How To Perform On Acting Casting Calls – Ins & Outs of Casting Calls

Acting casting calls are everywhere. Literally. If you think you have to be in a big city, just take a peek online and chances are, there’s an opportunity within driving distance. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to be smack dab in the middle of an entertainment hotspot. If you are in a city that is a movie production hub, then rest assure you will be faced with a lot of competing talent.


What to Avoid Wearing to Your Next Audition

Here’s a few not-so-obvious rules to follow when it comes to selecting successful script reading attire, and you will definitely want to dress to impress. Follow these tips to ensure you choose clothing that allows the casting director to concentrate on your words rather than your wardrobe.

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