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Bentonite Clay Mask Combos You’ll Want to Try, Like Now

When it comes to skincare, you probably have your goals and routine down.  You want to keep your complexion clear, your skin well-moisturized and avoid those dreaded fine lines and wrinkles.  But are you doing enough on the daily to be able to achieve these goals?  Adding a clay mask to your to-do list may […]


Essential Oils Contain Oh-so-many Natural Benefits

You’ve been hearing a lot about the benefits of essential oils.  But what are all of these supposed benefits, exactly?  And how can you start using them today? Oils have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.  They have been used to relieve headaches and digestive issues, alleviate pain, and can treat certain skin conditions or the […]


Finding Balance to Avoid Burnout

You know hard work pays off.  But, working too hard can also lead to burnout.  It’s all about finding and maintaining just the right amount of balance – staying active but not wearing yourself into the ground.  It can be particularly busy when you’re first getting your start, because you’re tasked with pulling marketing materials […]


Energy Zapping Foods You’ll Want to Avoid

When you have a ton of stuff do to, the last thing you have time for is eating or drinking something that is going to instantly zap your energy and make you feel sluggish the rest of the day.  Knowing which items to avoid is key to staying energized and ready to take on the […]


Make Your Skin Flawless Before Your Next Gig

If you’re busy and stressed, you may have noticed this has a significant impact on your skin.  Stress can lead to breakouts, undereye circles and puffiness, dryness and hard to reverse wrinkles over time.  It also tends to be the precursor to many long-term health issues, some of which affect appearance.  It’s important to engage […]


“Spider-Man 3” Casting Now

It’s been announced that “Spider-Man 3” is currently filming under a working title and is booking all sorts of extras. Scenes are set to begin filming throughout the greater Atlanta area, but details […]


Adding Career-changing Content to Your Blog (or Vlog)

Starting a blog can be a great way to get your name out there.  But what will you post?  You’ll want to draw your audience in without appearing to be too salesy or unauthentic.  Deciding how to capture interest and keep others coming back for more is no small feat.  It takes strategic planning and […]


Lowering Your Sugar Intake? Satisfy Cravings with Fruit

If you don’t want to completely eliminate fruit from your diet – because, come on, there’s a ton of health benefits – but you’re trying out a low-sugar meal plan, fear not.  While all fruit contains sugar, some have far more than others.  Whether you’re being weight conscious or just trying to improve your overall […]

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