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Practice Grounding Techniques Before Reciting Your Lines

It is important to stay grounded when you’re standing in front of someone at an audition who will ultimately give you the ‘yes’ or ‘no.’  If you’re not grounded in the moment, your mind could start to race, making you overly anxious.  Focusing on the task at hand will ensure you offer a standout performance.  […]


143 Talent Contacted to Audition for Seventeen Magazine Series

We contacted over 100 of our talent nationwide to send in video auditions for the Seventeen Magazine series “Bestie Picks Bae”. Casting directors were looking for girls between the ages of 16 and 19 years old to take part in the Youtube series. They will be casting a pair of best friends. Teens will send […]


The Comedian’s Golden Ticket? A Solid Demo Reel.

Even if it’s the only part of the job that needs to be taken seriously, comedians should put together a standup reel showcasing their ability to nail a joke and make an audience laugh.  No matter where you’re hoping to perform, it’s important to have a reel ready to play if asked, and a flawless […]


How to Be More Photogenic

You can be extremely good looking, a natural born model, but if can’t take good pictures, your exposure will be limited.  Learning how to pose properly is modeling 101.  By employing certain techniques, you can ensure your pictures will turn out perfectly and reveal the real you at the same time. Although being photogenic sounds […]


How to Get Rid of Undereye Puffiness & Bags

When you’re sleep deprived, it’s hard to hide.  Not only are you likely to fumble through your monologue at an audition, you’ll look far-to-weary in front of a camera and your physical appearance will inevitably give it away.  Dark circles are easy to spot.  If you have a lot on your plate and you’re struggling […]


From in Front of the Camera to Behind the Scenes

If you are ready to make the transition from actor to director, you already know this is no easy feat.  It will take some well-thought-out planning and preparation.  If you feel you have what it takes, however, the first step is to come up with a viable project and go from there.  There are also […]


Makeup is an Art…and a Way into Hollywood

Always had a knack for painting, drawing, or even coloring?  Like trying out different makeup palettes when you’re out and about?  If you’ve always enjoyed art, you may want to consider a career as a makeup artist.  This less-obvious career choice for budding artists can connect you with industry insiders while you show off your […]


Tiffany Haddish Film, “The Card Counter” Casting Hand Doubles

Casting directors are now taking submissions for upcoming scenes filming in Biloxi, Mississippi in the Tiffany Haddish film, “The Card Counter.” They’re searching for actors who have great card […]

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