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Time-Saving Tips for the Beauty On-the-Go

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Saying you’re always on the go is an understatement in entertainment.  You’re busy 24/7.  And, you’re expected to look your best at all times.  What’s a diva to do?  Here are some time-saving tips to looking your best.

Wash your face at night.  You can focus on removing your make up and doing a full cleansing and moisturizing routine in the evening.  In the A.M., simply swipe with a facial cleansing toilette and head out the door.

Get a high-quality hair dryer.  The pricier models are normally worth every penny.  This is because they come equipped with ion technology that speeds up the drying process – which means, you’ll be out the door and on with your day much sooner than using a less-advanced tool.

Invest in a power strip for your car.  That’s right, they exist.  You simply plug these bad boys into your cigarette lighter and you can easily use your curling iron, straightener, or hair dryer on the go.  Of course, you need to exercise caution in doing so.  But, most work only when your vehicle is running, so they will automatically shut off when the car does.

Baby wipes aren’t just for…well, babies.  Stash these in your car as well, so you’ll have them whenever you need to wipe away a quick makeup touch up from your hands or any eyeliner smudges.  They’re also handy for eating on the run or cleaning up any coffee spillage.

Baby powder isn’t just for…you get the picture.  Keep a container in your car to use for quickly freshening sweat- and order-inducing areas – i.e., armpits, palms, and feet.  Powder can also be applied to your roots whenever hair starts to look greasy or lightly dusted on your neckline for an alluring aroma.

Pack a travel bag.  Remember that aisle in almost every grocery or convenience store stocked with travel-sized goodies?  Grab a few and leave them in the back pocket of the drivers’ seat or wherever they’ll be easily accessible while on the run.  Not only can you stock up on mini deodorants, hair sprays, and toothpaste, but there’s plenty of pocket-sized makeup options to stick in there, too.

Use Multi-tasking products.  Products that do multiple things make it easy to streamline your hair and makeup routine, insist the beauty experts at Allure.  There is a multitude of lip balm/cream blushes, eyeshadows/bronzers, and double-sided brow pencils/eyeliners down every makeup aisle.

Stock up on chewing gum.  Keep a pack in your center console, purse, or back pocket, and pop a piece anytime you need to freshen your breath – especially after eating some fast food or sipping a caffeinated beverage.  Purchase a pack that whitens teeth for an added bonus.

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