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How to use YouTube to Expand Your Reach

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YouTube can be a highly effective way to get yourself out there for the world to see.  It should be part of your marketing package, which also includes your resume, portfolio, and headshot and any other social media handles.

There are many things you can do with a YouTube channel.  Finding your niche and the content you want to present is important.  You want to remain consistent and ensure everything you’re posting is related to the brand you’re projecting to the world.  You may also want to invest in a few pieces of hardware that will ensure your videos look professional.

First, decide what you want your channel to be about.  Are you an avid improv actor who is able to film scenes that, when uploaded, can further your career?  Are you a skilled singer who can self-tape performances?  Are you looking to be an influencer who broadcasts how-to videos? 

Once you decide on the type of content you’ll present, create a welcome video for those who are visiting for the first time.  This short, thirty-seconds-or-less, piece should be a snapshot of the channel’s focus.  After you record, pin to the landing page, and start uploading the rest!

Using simple, inexpensive tools can make all the difference.  Pick up a stand for your smartphone to avoid picture shakiness.  Find just the right natural lighting in your home or pick up basic lighting tools.  Place your camera on a tripod and angle it in just the right way. 

If you consider yourself to be a ‘triple threat,’ create playlists for your videos.  You can organize and categorize these so that all acting, singing or dancing, and modeling shots are in the same spot.  This will make them easier to find for those who are looking to book you in specific roles.  Adding descriptions and keywords to each will also help guide viewers to your site.

Be sure to make your username memorable and consistent with your brand, too.  Post regularly.  Make necessary edits.  Show off your true personality.  Let your genuine talent shine through.  This will be what casting directors are looking for.

If you’re a producer looking for a medium to broadcast a series, YouTube can be perfect spot for this.  It’s inexpensive and far-reaching, and you can monetize once you build a substantial audience base.  Take a close look at YouTube’s monetization guidelines so you know what it takes to see your efforts really pay off!

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