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How to be ‘Social Media Funny’

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Social media can help expand the reach of comedians looking to book as many gigs as possible.  But, if you plan to sign up for a bunch of accounts, make sure to plan ahead a bit.  There are a few things you should know before you become active online.  Here’s some tips:

Define your brand. To develop your brand, start with better understanding yourself.  Are you married or single?  Do you have children?  Are you from a rural or urban area?  The specifics of your individuality play into who is going to understand you.  Your jokes will be written from your own unique perspective, so you want to appeal to those who have similar dispositions.  The platforms you use and the content you put on them will all reflect who you are (your brand) and who will visit your pages (your target audience).

So, who’s your target? You’ll have to understand what the purpose of this journey is and who you want to reach.  Figure out who your audience will most likely be.  Who’s going to think you’re funny?  Who’s going to “get” your jokes?  The best, most successful comedians know who is going to laugh at their punchlines.  They have a very specific audience.  Knowing exactly who this is will help you further develop your brand and stay consistent with your online presence.

Come up with a captivating first impression. The first set of content you put on the internet, especially if you have already been staying visible in person, will be seen immediately.  So, it is important to understand how you’re going to make a positive first impression online.  You’ll want to create a bio and upload pictures that intrigue your target audience.  You’ll want what you type to match the visual media you incorporate into your profile.  And, everything should instantly appeal to those most likely to stop by.

Update…and update again. When you make the decision to become visible in cyberspace, it is has to be an ongoing commitment.  You have to be willing to continually update all of the content on all of the sites you create.  So, make sure, before you sign up on every social media outlet available, you have the bandwidth to do this.  Many times, stars hire publicists to manage their internet presence.  But, when you’re first getting your start you may have to manage everything on your own.  And, it can easily become overwhelming, especially as you begin to expand your reach and become more and more popular.  Your fans will likely want some sort of interaction and this can easily explode into something far beyond what you signed up for.

Social media can expand your comedic reach beyond your wildest dreams.  Just make sure you’ve carved out the time to make it worthwhile, have a solid plan in place (and a great username), and hit create!

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