Extras Casting Call for Katt Williams New Movie
Nine9 makes no claims in affiliation with the parties conducting this casting and is posting this public information for consumption by interested persons. Application to or signing with Nine9 is not required to submit/audition for the production. Nine9 encourages only persons who meet the listed requirements to follow the submission instructions.
Casting Directors are holding Virtual Open Calls for upcoming acting opportunities in Katt Williams and Keri Hilson’s new feature film, For The Love Of Money. Read below for more details about this opportunity.
Stand-ins Casting Call
A pair of stand-ins are needed full time for the feature film For The Love of Money, soon to film in the Oklahoma City, OK area. The film stars Katt Williams , Keri Hilson and Jason Mitchell .
The stand-ins will be needed Monday-Friday, January 11-28.
The candidates must be available all day every day of filming.
(Days can be up to 12 hours, but could be less). Meals on set are provided. Strict health and safety procedures, following all union guidelines, will be followed on set. They are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit performers without regard to disability, race, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity, or any other basis prohibited by law, unless otherwise specifically indicated.
Female Stand-in
Height: 5’7-5’10 ft
Male Stand-in
Height: 5’7-5’10 ft
Visit their online Application page online HERE to learn more.

==> Click Here To Attend Our Next FREE Virtual Open Call <==
Nine9 makes no claims in affiliation with the parties conducting this casting and is posting this public information for consumption by interested persons. Application to or signing with Nine9 is not required to submit/audition for the production. Nine9 encourages only persons who meet the listed requirements to follow the submission instructions.