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Casting for Commercial Shooting in Washington D.C.

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CD Casting is looking for non-union talent for a commercial shooting in Washington, DC on April 11th and 12th. A local company is seeking two featured talent to play important roles in their upcoming ad campaign.

Specifically, they are casting a male that is 20-25 years old and either Hispanic, Asian, African American or Middle Eastern. The second role they are casting is for a female 50 – 60 years old and either Hispanic, Asian, African American or Middle Eastern.

Date: April 11, 2017 and April 12, 2017

Where: Washington D.C.

What: Talent for a commercial shoot

Washington, DC commercial casting call

Gender: Male
Age: 20-25 years old
Ethnicity: Hispanic, Asian, African American, or Middle Eastern

Gender: Female
Age: 50-60 years old
Ethnicity: Hispanic, Asian, African American, or Middle Eastern

If you do not have a local MD/DC/VA phone number please indicate in which city/state you are currently located.

If you are not available for the shoot date, please do not submit.

We are currently looking for VA/DC/MD local talent only, this commercial will film in Washington D.C. on April 11th and 12th.

For consideration or for more information please email with your headshot/resume. Please put “Non-Union Casting” in the subject of your email and include all contact information in the body of the email.

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