“American Crime Story: Impeachment” Casting Now
Nine9 makes no claims in affiliation with the parties conducting this casting and is posting this public information for consumption by interested persons. Application to or signing with Nine9 is not required to submit/audition for the production. Nine9 encourages only persons who meet the listed requirements to follow the submission instructions.
Casting Directors are reaching out to Los Angeles locals to portray various types & background roles in the third season of American Crime Story. Sarah Paulson is returning alongside actress Beanie Feldstein who plays Monica Lewinsky in this scandal centered series. Read on below to find out if you qualify to be a part of this hit show!
Bellhop Casting Call
Must be registered with Central Casting. You cannot have ever worked American Crime Story: Impeachment
Covid Tests: 1/15, 1/16, 1/17, 1/20
Shoot Date: 1/22
Must be avail all dates – there are no exceptions.
Union males to portray a bellhop, age 25-40 with hair that can be styled into a 1990’s hairstyle. For men, you need to have some length on the sides and back – no shaved sides. Hair needs to go over the collar in the back and cannot be super short on the sides. You must be willing to get your hair cut (See attached photos for the types of hairstyles they are looking for). I believe men can have neatly trimmed mustaches, but I am not positive. You need to be willing to shave either way. No beards. No visible tattoos in short sleeves. Men need to be size 38-40 coat.
Lawyers & Secretaries
Union & Non Union Submissions Must be registered with Central Casting. You cannot have ever worked American Crime Story: Impeachment. If you have been prefit for this show, fit the specs for this call, but they have never worked you, please submit. Also, anyone else who has never worked it, please submit if you fit the specs!! Test dates: Wednesday (1/13), Thursday (1/14), and Friday (1/15) & Monday (1/18). Shoots on Tues 1/19, Weds 1/20 & Thurs 1/21. You must be avail all testing and shoot dates.
Lawyers & Secretaries: Men & Women to portray upscale, age 25 to late 50’s with hair that can be styled into a 1990’s hairstyle. For men, you need to have some length on the sides and back – no shaved sides. Hair needs to go over the collar in the back and cannot be super short on the sides. You must be willing to get your hair cut (See attached photos for the types of hairstyles they are looking for). I believe men can have neatly trimmed mustaches, but I am not positive. You need to be willing to shave either way. No beards. You cannot have visible tattoos in business clothes.
Women need to have hair that is shoulder length or shorter, bangs and layers are fantastic. Please let them know if you are willing to let them cut bangs (this is not a requirement, but they do need a lot of women with bangs). If you have hair longer than shoulder length, you must be willing to get it cut. They are also looking for men and women with naturally curly hair.
Men need to be size 40 waist or smaller and women should be size 14 or smaller. If your sizes on file with Central Casting are different from what they are now, please note that in your submission.
FBI Agents
FBI Agents: Men & Women to portray upscale, age 35 to early 50’S with hair that can be styled into a 1990’s hairstyle. For men, you need to have some length on the sides and back – no shaved sides. Hair needs to go over the collar in the back and cannot be super short on the sides. You must be willing to get your hair cut (See attached photos for the types of hairstyles they are looking for). Mustaches are OK but no beards. You need to be willing to be clean-shaven either way. You cannot have visible tattoos in business clothes.
Women should be 5’6 or taller and size 12 or smaller. You need to have hair that is shoulder length or shorter, bangs and layers are fantastic. Please let them know if you are willing to let them cut bangs (this is not a requirement, but they do need a lot of women with bangs). If you have hair longer than shoulder length, you must be willing to get it cut. They are also looking for men and women with naturally curly hair. Men need to be 6’0 to 6’4 and size 36 waist or smaller.
Visit the Extras Casting page online here to keep up with latest casting needs!

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Nine9 makes no claims in affiliation with the parties conducting this casting and is posting this public information for consumption by interested persons. Application to or signing with Nine9 is not required to submit/audition for the production. Nine9 encourages only persons who meet the listed requirements to follow the submission instructions.