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How to Visually Tell Your Story

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The entertainment industry is full of attractive people who want to be stars.  This goes without saying.  So, when you’re creating your headshot, it’s not enough to be photogenic.  Your shot could still easily get lost in the crowd.  You’ll want to create a visually appealing pic that truly depicts who you and why you’re there.  What does this mean, exactly?

Everyone is unique, and your uniqueness to be evident in each of your photos.  As, arguably, your most important marketing tool, a high-quality headshot is essential.  And, the first step is working with a photographer who understands this.  There are many photographers out there – some of them really good, and some of them not so good.  Work with someone who comes with references, has a solid client base, and is willing to think outside the box.

Tell the photographer you want to create a unique piece that instantly, and in a visual way, tells your story.  If you believe you’ll best portray certain types of characters, you can ask to be captured in a way that represents this.  If you believe there is a wide range of potential roles you might fit, give the photographer the top five and go from there.

Your headshot will really stand out if you pair it with a diverse comp card.  If you look different in each shot, this means you can take on a variety of roles, and this will draw the casting director’s eye to your submission. 

Your headshot should also adequately capture your personality.  You should project this in your smile and the way you are positioned.  The rest of your submission can include shots that represent what you can do.  As a rule of thumb, let your headshot represent you and let the comp card represent everything you can be.  This will allow the casting director to connect with the person in front of the camera while also really understanding the depth of your talent.  Put the two together and you have a winning combination.

Of course, it’s important to be able to present the way a casting director is expecting you to when you get called into an audition.  But, you can’t take this next step until you gather some stand-out submission materials.  So, concentrate on pulling together a package, and when you have a few shots in place, start submitting.  If you get a call to come in, job well done!

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