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5 Reason’s Why Everyone Wants to be Jennifer Lawrence’s BFF

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It is important to know that, in this world people will not respect you until you do something extraordinary. Jennifer Lawrence is now one of the most likable and most-admired personalities in the movie industry, and to be her BFF it means you will have to put extra efforts to become one. One of the facts associated with the life of a celebrity is, once you become one you will have to deal with extraordinary likeness and attention from people. Jennifer Lawrence is one movie star that experienced rapid rise to stardom within a short period and her rise to fame has kept many dumbfounded. She has won several awards from 2010 till date, and she is now the highest paid actress in the world’s movie industry. This is arguably one of the achievements every actor or actress will wish to have. However, her fame has caught the attention of many females (celebrities and non-celebs) and some may be willing to do anything to have her as BFF.

  1. She is a celebrity

You have to agree that there is this normal likeness towards celebrities wherever they are, Jennifer’s case is no exception. She started her acting career in 2008 and she has since won over 80 awards in the movie industry. The fact that she is a celebrity has won her attention from several people and many would want to be seen alongside her.

  1. She has a great personality

When someone has a great personality it means that person is likable to many and has no problem with people. Jennifer Lawrence is a young talent who is always trying to focus on improving her skills as an actress. It is important to understand, when it comes to playing roles not every actor can do what this young lady can do at the moment.

  1. She is the highest paid actress at the moment

Who wouldn’t want to be seen with someone who is considered the highest paid actor or actress in the world? According to Forbes, she is now the highest paid actress in the movie industry beating the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Melissa McCarthy. Truth be told, this can be enough reasons for many to want her as their BFF.

  1. She is one of the most successful women in the film industry

Jennifer Lawrence was born in 1990, as young as she is now; she has already established herself and has joined the list of the top female actresses in history. She may have never thought she could go this far when she shot her first movie in 2008; but here she is today as one of the most likable and sought after actresses in the world.

  1. She is talented

It is important to know that even in a class room, the talented students always win friends easily. Apart from been a celebrity, Jennifer Lawrence is a talented person that is always willing to develop herself positively. Close sources reveal that she is the type of person that is open to learning new things putting them into practice.

There are lots of things that have not been said about this amazing lady, many would want to have her as BFF for many reasons but the most notable ones are listed above. To be an actor or actress really means a lot, and as a celebrity you will have play your games well because no matter what you do people will love to walk alongside you.


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