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4 Tips for Looking Your Best on a Bikini Shoot

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So, you’ve booked a bikini shoot!  You may be super excited and super nervous all at once.  Guess what?  That’s totally normal!  It can feel like you’re under a ton of pressure to look good in next to nothing.  This is stressful and can be nerve wracking any way you cut it.  If you’re worried about looking your absolute best in a bikini, here are a few simple tips for making the most of this experience.

Here is the first tip for looking your best in a bikini shoot.

Drink plenty of water to make sure your system is cleared out well before the big day.  The last thing you need is to feel bloated while you’re on set.  You’ll want to make sure you flush out any toxins ahead of time and stay hydrated, keep your skin glowing and to feel your best.  If you typically don’t get enough water as it is, aim to up your intake as much as possible.

Here is the second tip for looking your best in a bikini shoot.

Speaking of skin, you’ll want to take care of it – extra – before your bikini shoot.  As soon as you’re notified of the booking, start to make your routine a must-do every morning and every night (no matter what).  Cleanse properly, tone, use serums, moisturize, and always apply sunscreen to avoid UV rays.  You’ll want try and keep blemishes at bay as well to ensure your natural tone radiates in front of the camera. You can add a bit of coconut to your moisturize if your skin seems too dry, and if you’re looking for a deep cleanse, try using a charcoal cleanser.

Here is the third tip for looking your best in a bikini shoot.

You’ll want to be well rested, so it’s important to get plenty of sleep before the bikini shoot.  About a week before, start adjusting your sleep schedule to ensure you’re getting a solid 7-8 hours.  If you’re chronically sleep-deprived, go to bed much earlier than you normally would and try to fall asleep by the time you’d usually hit the hay.  Do this until the new routine sticks.  Then when it comes time, you’ll look well-rested and ready to go.

Here is the fourth tip for looking your best in a bikini shoot.

When it comes to posing, remember you should never sit upright in a bikini.  While it’s a natural position, it can appear very unflattering.  You’ll have to ditch the comfort a bit and, instead, lean back and prop yourself up on your elbows to tighten your stomach.  You can also stick out your upper torso, suck in your stomach, and arch your back in a way that your legs are slightly behind you. When in doubt, raise your arms above your head, which will instantly slimming.  You can also sit cross-legged and lean back on your hands.

If you practice these tips before, during and after your shoot, you’ll end up with some great pics and will be better prepared for the next time you’re booked. After all, with the awesome bikini shots you can expect to capture, there will definitely be a next time!

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